Friday, April 6, 2012

In Response to Brook’s blog Burger King vs McDonalds

I think that Burger King has seen the success of McDonalds and has changed some of they things they do to make their business more efficient. Burger King is starting to offer things such as wraps and smoothies that McDonalds has done for a few years now.  I feel Burger King saw an opportunity for growth because their customers were going to McDonalds to get what they could not get at Burger King. This is a risky business because they now have to take loyal customers from McDonalds, but understandably some people prefer Burger King to McDonald’s which will allow current loyal customers of Burger King to enjoy new menu items and tell others about the new delicious snacks on McDonalds menu.

In Response to Jacelyn's post about Apple

     I do think that apple is moving in the correct direction in establishing customer loyalty and keeping its shareholders happy. Apple has the largest assets ever owned by a single company. Apple holds nearly 80 billion dollars in cash. In keeping their shareholders happy Apple gave dividends back to very happy shareholders who’s stocks continue to hit record highs. Apple also listens to its customers and every complaint that they may have. Apple reminds me of L.L. Bean in the sense that they have terrific customer service and they are very helpful. Their replacement policy is not as great as L.L. Bean but if their product is ever at fault they do their best to replace it.
      I most recently purchased a Mac Pro and was VERY pleased with the customer service that I received and continue to receive from apple support. I left the PC world because of the cheap product I felt they made and poor customer service. My old PC had a defect from the start, they put to small of a fan in the computer so it would overheat and fry the mother board, my computer surprisingly lasted longer than it should have but in doing so I missed the replacement window, HP told me there was nothing they could do. I switched to Apple because I feel they offer a more reliable product and I know they have better customer service.
Do you think businesses would have an advantage in making its employees purchase Mac products because of their customer service?