Thursday, April 12, 2012

In response to Jaycelyn’s post about Apple commercials

Do you think that Apple's ad campaigns make their products sound better than they are? Or do you think that the iPhone is better than say the Droid and the Mac is better than a PC?

I do feel that the Droid is better than the Iphone because there are more apps for free. Undoubtedly Android operating systems and the Droid phones are a spitting image of the Iphone. They both operate under the same principals and have some of the same applications but you still have Iphone loyal customer. I feel this is because some people have had them since the beginning, it was the first one of its kind and they understand how it operates.  In my opinion the Android market has not taken customers from Apple but, has stopped more people from going to the Apple Iphone. It is a very similar debate when discussing PC’s vs Mac’s. Do you think that it makes no sense when someone owns an Iphone but does not own a Mac computer? Are they buying the phone JUST to own an Iphone.

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